- ProQuest Databases
Search selected Proquest databases. Subject coverage varies according to the database.
Note: At this time, it is not possible to embed ProQuest eBooks using LTI. If you would like to embed a ProQuest video, see the instructions for Academic Video Online (AVON).
How to Embed a ProQuest Resource Link Into a Page
Navigate to the course page where you want to embed the link and click on the page title.
Click on the Edit button
Click on the Plug icon in the editor tool bar to open up the Apps list and click on View All.
Choose ProQuest - Library Database and click on the Done button.
Note: If you have used the AVON app in your current session, it will show automatically when clicking on the Plug icon.
The ProQuest search screen will appear. Enter search terms into the search box or an article title and click on the Magnifying glass.
Click on the Save button to finish embedding the link in the page.
Select a resource from the results list by clicking on the title.
Click on the Select this document button to embed the link in the page.
How to Embed a ProQuest Resource Into a Module
Click on the Plus icon for a Module.
From the Add dropdown menu, select the External Tool option.
From the list, choose ProQuest - Library Database.
The ProQuest search screen will appear. Enter search terms into the search box or enter the title of an article and click on the Magnifying glass.
Select a resource from the results list by clicking on the title.
Click on the Select this document button.
The Add Items page will display. The URL field and the Page Name is entered automatically. You can change the Page Name to a title of your choosing. Ensure that the Load in new tab is unselected and click on the Add Item button.