Mohawk College Archives

Discover the history of Mohawk College through yearbooks, newspapers and more!

Browse our Archives to discover Mohawk College history as well as the history of Hamilton and the surrounding area. We have student newspapers, college yearbooks, videos, image collections, books and articles among the artifacts which date back to the 1940s.

Donations to the Archives

If you have physical materials or digital resources that have historic value, please complete an Archive Donation form. We will evaluate the materials and add them to our collection if they fall under our Collection Development Policy (PDF 128KB).

Note: We may need to digitize materials or convert resources to different formats for purposes of accessibility and preservation.

Resource Accessibility

If you find a resource which is not accessible, or if you need a higher quality version of any documents in our digital collection for a course or assignment, complete a Digitization Request form and we will provide you with a better version or an accessible version for your class.

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about the collection, please contact:

Robert Soulliere
Systems & Liaison Librarian - School of Engineering Technology & Preparatory Studies
Fennell Campus - Cummings Library

  905-575-1212 x3936

Year Books
