Journals & Magazines

The Library has subscriptions to many course-related, online databases that include articles published in journals, magazines and newspapers. Most of these articles are not freely available on the Web. 

You can find articles by using the Library's Search Everthing Tool or by searching one of our databases. No login is required to access article databases on campus. If you are off-campus, you will need to log in with your 9-digit student or employee ID and password. Example: Full details can be found on the Off-Campus Access page.

Journal & Magazine Database List

Use the list below to find and select a database in our collection containing articles


Popular Databases

Interlibrary Loan Service

Have you found a great article but only the abstract is available? We can help! Requests for articles and books can be made by completing our Interlibrary Loan Request form.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Contact Us

 Cummings Library  905-575-2077

 IAHS Library 905-575-1212 x6835

 Stoney Creek Library 905-575-2504

 Text Us 289-277-0114