How to Link to Articles & Journals

  1. Perform a search of multiple EBSCOhost Databases at once or search one, specific database for your discipline and select an article by clicking on its title.
  2. In the record summary you will see a Tools menu in the top right corner.
  3. Click the "share" icon (small, curvy arrow).
  4. The "Share" box will open. Click "Share", "Create link" and then "Copy to clipboard" to copy the link to your course.

Share link in Ebsco

Share box open with link to copy

Tip: You can use the Cite option in the Tools Menu to locate the APA citation (or other, appropriate style) to include in your course. (The Cite icon is a set of quotation marks.) While you may need to edit the citation, it provides a solid start. Including the citation provides an additional way for students to access the resource should the course link fail.

Cite link in Ebsco

  1. Perform a search in ProQuest and select an article.
  2. Click on the All Options icon in the tools menu.
  3. Copy the link at the top of the page and add it to your MyCanvas course.

example of clicking on the all options button

example of saving a proquest permalink

  1. Perform a search in the Statista database and select a resource
  2. Copy the link from the address bar of the browser e.g., Firefox, Edge, Chrome.
  3. Add the link to your MyCanvas course.

Note: If you are on Campus, you will need to proxy the link.

  1. Paste the link from your browser into the EZproxy Permalink Generator
  2. Copy the link and add it to your MyCanvas course. 

copying the URL in statista

  1. Perform a search in OVID and select an article.
  2. Click on the Email Jumpstart link.
  3. Add the link to your MyCanvas course.

Note: If you are on Campus, you will need to proxy the link.

  1. Paste the link from your browser into the EZproxy Permalink Generator
  2. Copy the link and add it to your MyCanvas course. 

screenshot of a jumpstart email link in OVID

screenshot of a jumpstart url in OVID

  1. To link to a journal or article in ACM, search ACM Digital Library for a resource of interest.
  2. Once found, copy and paste the URL from the browser address bar.
  3. To this URL, add the ezproxy prefix:
  4. Your final URL will look something like this:

link in the browser address bar in ACM database