Academic Success Resources
- The Learning Portal - Choose a TopicThis module from The Learning Portal explains how to choose a research topic that fits within the bounds of your assignment.
- The Learning Portal - Start to SearchIn this hub from The Learning Portal, you will find tips on effective search and critical evaluation techniques, as well as information specific to citing and academic integrity.
- A-Z List of DatabasesFind the best library databases for your research.
- How to Find ArticlesHelp with finding Magazine, Journal and Newspaper articles in the Library's online databases.
- How to Find Full-Text ArticlesLearn how to filter for Full Text articles with this Library DIY Guide.
- Information Literacy GuideLibrary Guide containing resources to help you look for and analyze information.
- How to Find PermalinksLearn how to find permalinks with this Library DIY Guide.
- Research HelpStuck? Use the Live Chat, book an appointment, or use your program's Research Guide.
- The Learning Portal - Writing & Communication HubThis hub from The Learning Portal will help you develop effective planning, writing and revising skills that will help you complete your written assignments.
- Writing Skills GuideLibrary Guide containing resources and information to help you develop your writing skills.
- Plagiarism GuideLibrary Guide containing resources and information to help you understand, identify and avoid plagiarism.
- GrammarlyGrammarly’s plagiarism checker detects plagiarism in your text and checks for other writing issues.
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Call Number: Fennell STACKS LB1066 .S534 2023Publication Date: 2023Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level by
Publication Date: 2018eBook
- The Learning Portal - Study Skills HubThis hub from The Learning Portal will help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your program and cope with the demands of college. Each unit covers practical study skills that will build a foundation for academic success.
- Space ReservationsIndividual and Group Study spaces - Reserve up to 2 weeks in advance.
- Digital Creativity Centre- Space BookingGroup Spaces can only be reserved by current Mohawk College students. Group Spaces are for group study only (minimum 2 members).
- CramCreate your own flashcards and export them to a device
- NoisliMix different sounds and create your perfect sound environment to work and relax
- APA GuideThe Library's APA Guide is designed to help you form citations for the most commonly used items such as books and articles. This is a good place to start and also provides Quick Links to more resources.
- How to Find a CitationMany of the Library's databases have a built in citation tool that you can use to find citations in the most popular styles such as APA and MLA.
- OWL Purdue APA StyleAn APA formatting guide, available online from Purdue University.
- OWL Purdue MLA StyleThese OWL resources will help you learn how to use the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation and format style. This website contains resources on in-text citations and Works Cited pages, as well as MLA sample papers, slide presentations, and the MLA classroom poster.
- Academic Integrity for StudentsMohawk College Library Student Academic Integrity guide.
- Academic Integrity Consultation RequestConsult with the Professor of Academic Integrity Facilitation for support, classroom instruction on academic integrity topics, assistance with building cheat-proof resources, responding to academic integrity breaches, or help with curriculum review.
- Contract CheatingWhat is Contract Cheating?
Hamilton Public Library (HPL)
Hamilton Public Library
A Library Card at Hamilton Public Library is free for all students studying at Mohawk!
- Borrow books, movies, CDs, and more!
- Access online resources such as newspapers and eBooks
- Use library computers
- Study in certain locations until midnight Mon. - Thurs.
- HPL Get a Library CardPublic library cards are free to Mohawk students
- HPL Terryberry branchTerryberry Library is located just a few blocks from Mohawk College
- HPL OnlineAccess to online resources for all areas of your life
- HPL CatalogueMost items in the library collection can be borrowed for 21 days
- HPL Print, Copy, and ScanHPL cardholders are granted $1 worth of free printing each day
- HPL After Hours Study HallsOffered at several branches from 8pm-midnight Monday-Thursday
- HPL MakerspaceVisit HPL's Makerspaces to explore, learn and make something great with their high-tech tools