Information You Need

To write a citation for a newspaper article you will need the following pieces of information:

  • Author(s)
  • Date (Year, Month Day)
  • Article title
  • Newspaper title
  • Pages (for newspaper articles you use the abbreviation p or pp and include the section letter)
  • DOI (an assigned alphanumeric sequence given to a journal article to help identify it).
    Not every work has a DOI. Please connect with your instructor about using a url link to content found on a library database and what is acceptable for the assignment.
  • URL (if from an online newspaper and not from a database, see note above for database url)

Newspaper Example

Article on a news website
*for articles published in online news sources (e.g., BBC News, CNN, HuffPost, MSNBC, etc.)

Author's last name, First initial. (Year of publication, Month Day). Title of article. Title of News Website. URL
Avramova, N. (2019, January 3). The secret to a long life. CNN.

Article on an online newspaper
*for articles published in online newspapers (e.g., The Hamilton Spectator, New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.)

Author's last name, First initial. (Year of publication, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. URL
Moko, L. (2007, April 5). $1 Salaries for Google billionaires. The Hamilton Spectator.

Print or from an online library database

Author's last name, First initial. (Year of publication, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, Section & page number.
Moko, L. (2007, April 2). Smooth moves: Mohawk honours outstanding athletic, academic Mountaineers. The Hamilton Spectator, SP10.
Narrative In-text
Author (Date)
Moko (2007, p. SP10)
(Author, Date)
(Moko, 2007, p. A22)