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- Diseases of the Blood: Issues and Answers (Video Duration 22 minutes)In this program, Bart Barlogie of the Arkansas Cancer Research Center and other medical experts explore how breakthroughs in chemotherapy and other treatments including stem cell transplants can aid remission of multiple myeloma and CLL.
- Women & Heart Disease (Video Duration 24 minutes)In this program, experts explain why women and men are equally at risk for heart attacks, and they look at how hormone therapy can increase that risk in women. They also talk with patients who have discovered ways to lower their risk of having a heart attack.
- Infectious Diseases (Video Duration 4 hours 27 minutes)This program is a seminar on current issues in the world of infectious diseases. Nurse educator Barbara Bancroft discusses new vaccines, emerging diseases, and new drugs.
- Preventing Nutritional Disorders (VIdeo Duration 36 minutes)This program covers the ins and outs of disorders and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Respiratory Disorders (Videot Duration 58 minutes)Films on Demand Video