Medical Terminology
- CPS Full Access
Health research database. Contains Health Canada–approved products, such as monographs for drugs, vaccines, natural health products and medical devices. Includes the most current, evidence-based therapeutic information and nonprescription therapy for common conditions, with cross-referenced drug tables.
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Nursing and allied health database. Covers pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management and medical law. Includes abstracts and full-text peer-reviewed articles from nursing and health journals.
- SMART Imagebase
A collection of 10,000+ high quality illustrations and animations depicting anatomy, physiology, surgery, diseases, conditions, trauma, embryology, histology, and many other topics.
- Medspell: Medical spelling extension (Firefox only)This is an English medical dictionary including ICD9 terms, procedures, and drug names.
- Medical Terminology HangmoonReview medical terms while playing this game of Hangmoon.