What is Public Domain?

Public Domain works are works whose copyright has expired and so people are free to use, share, modify, copy, or adapt these works.

  • As of December 30, 2022, works enter the public domain in Canada 70 years after the author’s death on January 1st of the year following the expiration of the copyright
  • Before December 30, 2022, works entered the public domain in Canada 50 years after the death of the author and remain in the public domain, despite the change.
  • Note that if a work in the public domain is modified into a new work, the modified work is protected by copyright. For example, if an artist modifies a photograph in the public domain, thereby creating a new work, that new work is protected under copyright. Also, sometimes parts of a public domain work may still be protected by copyright, for example, a drawing within a novel. For these reasons, it can be complicated to determine if a work is in the public domain; please reach out to the Library if you are unsure how you can legally use a work.

Public Domain Images