Copyright & Mohawk College

The Copyright Act makes several exceptions to allow for the use of copyright-protected works in an educational setting. Unless otherwise set out in a license agreement, the rules for using copyright-protected materials at Mohawk College are as follows:

  1. All Mohawk faculty and staff members may communicate and reproduce short excerpts from copyright-protected work for research and education purposes. Permitted uses are generally the same for online and in-person teaching. 

  2. Copies provided in a classroom setting are generally acceptable to share online as long as access is limited to students enrolled in the course (MyCanvas).

  3. Copying or communicating multiple short excerpts or the majority of a copyright-protected work is prohibited.

  4. Email your liaison librarian for assistance regarding copying content that exceeds Fair Dealing or License agreements.  An evaluation of whether the proposed copying or communication is permitted will be made based on all relevant circumstances. 

  5. When using a work, review the Access Copyright repertoireand note the parameters of copying or sharing the content.