Marketing Database
- CARDonline
Provides advertising rates, circulation or audience data, media planning info and related information for every significant medium in Canada. Includes rates for magazines, newspapers, radio and television stations.
Books & eBooks
Amazon: How the World’s Most Relentless Retailer will Continue to Revolutionize Commerce by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5548.32 .B457 2019Publication Date: 2019Sell with Authority: Own and Monetize Your Agency's Authority Position by
Publication Date: 2020eBook
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5415.32 .Z83 2019Publication Date: 2019Data Driven: Harnessing Data and AI to Reinvent Customer Engagement by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5415.32 .C454 2019Publication Date: 2018Round the Clock: How a 24×7 Digital Marketplace Is Transforming Business by
Publication Date: 2019eBook
Creative Strategy in Advertising by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5825 .D74 2014Publication Date: 2014Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HD59 .D66 2011Publication Date: 2015
Market Research
- OutlooksConsumer Market, Technology Market, Industry, Digital Market, Health Market, Country, Mobility, and Advertising and Media Outlooks from Statista.
- Conference Board of CanadaMany reports and analyses available for free but registration is required.
- RBC Economic ResearchForecasts, analyses and special reports on various aspects of the Canadian economy.
- TD EconomicsA variety of up-to-date reports from TD Bank on aspects of the Canadian economy, economic trends and outlook.
- Report on Business: Industry News - MarketingSource: Globe and Mail
- TrendhunterTrend Hunter is the world's largest, most popular collection of cutting edge ideas, fueled by 208,000 people, big data & Trend Hunter AI.
- 2021 CensusThis site presents information from the 2021 Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census tracts.
- 2021 Census DataExplore Census information in table format or interactively with Data Visualizations.
- Business, Consumer and Property ServicesThese tables provide data on business services (includes advertising agencies and accountants) and consumer services (includes hotels, beauty salons, restaurants, and funeral homes).
- Culture and LeisureThese tables provide data on creative artistic activities such as film & video, leisure activities, sports, and TV.
- Retail and WholesaleThese tables provide data on sales volume of a variety of retailers including large chain stores, car dealerships, small independent stores as well as catalogue and Internet retailers.
- Survey of Household SpendingSource: Statistics Canada
- Advances in Consumer ResearchPresents a selection of papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, chosen by the editors. Coverage: 1974 - present
- Advertising AgeArticles on national and international marketing, news about individuals in advertising, statistics on advertising and special reports. Coverage: 1990 - present
- AdWeekPublishes articles, news, and product information about the advertising and marketing industry. Coverage: 1993 - present
- B to BCoverage: 2000 - present
Presents business marketing news, strategy & tactics; emphasizes techniques & methods of advertising & selling products & services to business & industry. - International Journal of AdvertisingProvides a forum for the discussion of important issues & for the interchange of ideas on all aspects of advertising & marketing communications. Both academic & practitioner perspectives are represented. Coverage: 1982 - present
- Journal of AdvertisingProvides a public forum that reflects the current understanding of advertising as a process of communication, its role in the changing environment, and the relationships between these and other components of the advertising business and practice. Coverage: 1972 - present
- Journal of Consumer BehaviourThe latest original analysis of key developments in understanding consumer attitudes and behaviours from the industry and academia. Coverage: 2001 - present
- Retail MerchandiserCoverage: 1993 - present
Provides information for merchandiser executives and managers on category trends, the latest merchandising approaches, and technology updates. - StrategyStrategy is a Canadian business magazine about marketing, advertising and media. Coverage: 1990 - present
- Marketing Plan: Goals and Objectives (Video Duration 4 minutes)Learn more about the value of marketing plans.
- Marketing Foundations: Consumer Behavior (Video Duration 41 minutes)A look at how psychological factors such as motivation, appetite for risk, self-perception, and social status impact buying decisions.
- Selling with Authenticity (Video Duration 41 minutes)Discover how to put the human touch back into customer interactions and use your authentic curiosity to spark great sales questions.
- Social Media Marketing Foundations (Video Duration 52 minutes)Instructor Brian Honigman explains why making an investment in social media can benefit your business.