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This guide is for the Continuing Education Working with Dementia Clients - Multidiscipline program. With content directly related to course topics, it's a great starting point for research and assignments.
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Embracing the End of Life: Help for Those Who Accompany the Dying by
Call Number: IAHS STACKS ; BF789 .D4 O76 2012Publication Date: 2012Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey : A Guide for Families and Caregivers by
Publication Date: 2016eBook
- Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Caring for the Caregiver (Video Duration 56 minutes)This program presents examples of caregivers who have learned to cope effectively with these stresses, restoring balance in their own lives. The importance of caregiver support groups and other outlets for the discussion of problems is closely examined.
- Caregiver Depression (Video Duration 3 minutes)Many caregivers experience lack of sleep, exhaustion, depression, and hopelessness. Susan's children cannot provide much help. Many caregivers are not good at asking for help.
- Caregiver Support Groups (Video Duration 5 minutes)Susan attends a support group in order to deal with her husband's dementia. Women caregivers express their emotions and concerns. Susan seeks individual counseling.
- Understanding ADRD, Part 3: Working with Family and Caregivers During Stage 3 (Video Duration 5 minutes)The physical and emotional care of Alzheimer's patients becomes a 24hr activity during stage 3. Grief is the underlying emotion for family caregivers during. A family caregiver discusses her husband's stage 3 Alzheimer's.
Aging and Society: Canadian Perspectives
Call Number: Fennell/Stoney Creek STACKS BF724 .N457 2019Publication Date: 2019 Eighth Edition
- Dementia: Alzheimer's and Vascular DiseaseDementia involves global impairment of cognitive functioning in a setting of full consciousness. Alzheimer's and vascular, the most common forms of dementia, cause loss of short-term memory, disorientation in time, and personality change.
- Dementia: Treatments and Potential Cures (Video Duration 26 minutes)This program spotlights promising medical trials aimed at halting the mental and physiological tragedy of dementia. Linking the disease to organic neuronal damage, the film focuses on the development of medicines and vaccinations that could potentially cure it. Viewers are also introduced to therapeutic methods that make dementia less frightening and may help to relieve sufferers on the journey into a world devoid of memory.
- Dementia: Pick's Disease (Video Duration 4 minutes)Pick's disease is characterized by progressive character and social deterioration; impairment of intellect, memory, and language; apathy, mild euphoria; perseveration and dysphasia; and marked atrophy of frontal lobes.
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders III (Video Duration 1 hour 39 minutes)This program discusses effective communication with patients who have Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders; behavior management; maximization of daily function; and development of the interpersonal skills needed in working with family members and other caregivers.
- Coping Strategies for Restlessness and Agitation (Video Duration 2 minutes)Individuals are acutely aware of difficulties during the first stages of Alzheimer's disease often causing agitation. Tips and techniques help caregivers deal with behaviors resulting from these feelings.
- Coping Strategies for the Middle Stages of Alzheimer's (Video Duration 3 minutes)During the middle stages of Alzheimer's individuals generally need assistance in performing normal tasks. Tips and techniques help caregivers with patients who wander and redirecting behaviors that often worsen at dusk.
- Catastrophic Reaction (Video Duration 3 minutes)An emotional outburst may be inappropriately intense for a situation. Caregivers can prevent such reactions by remaining calm and presenting tasks as simple steps.
- Engaging Activities for Alzheimer's Patients (Video Duration 2 minutes)Caregivers can use music, storytelling, pets, physical activities, and gardening to engage residents. Experts help families to move from a negative to a positive outlook on Alzheimer's.
- Understanding ADRD, Part 1: Stimulating Senses (Video Duration 2 minutes)An expert offers tips on using aroma, touch, and pictures to engage an Alzheimer's patient in non-verbal communication.
- Art as a Treatment for Dementia (Video Duration 55 minutes)Experts discuss the lack of funding for using art as essential treatment. Less than 15% of Alzheimer's patients are engaged in physical therapies, occupational therapies, or creative activities.
- Alzheimer's Painting Therapy (Video Duration 55 minutes)Dr. Lazarus discusses Hilda Gorenstein's difficulties in the nursing home. Gorenstein's daughter suggests painting. Gorenstein begins working with painting student Jenny Graf Sheppard; she paints "The Hidden Hour."
- Creativity and Alzheimer's (Video Duration 5 minutes)Experts investigate the establishment of daily art in the lives of individuals living with Alzheimer's. They discuss the goals of the health care staff and the relevance of using skills to access memories. Patients participate in drawing exercises.