Best Bet Database
- DieselNet
Contains technical papers, summaries of standards, and business information concerning diesel engines, emissions, fuel, and other technology. Includes the DieselNet Technology Guide and a business directory of suppliers and services.
Auto Body Repair Technology by
Call Number: Stoney Creek RESERVES - 2 hour loan TL255 .D836 2021Publication Date: 2021Collision Repair and Refinishing: A Foundation Course for Technicians by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS TL152 .T48 2018Publication Date: 2018
- Auto Body Repair Basics (Video Duration 21 minutes)This video introduces basic repair concepts, safety procedures, and NADA service ethics.
- Auto Construction (Video Duration 15 minutes)This video travels to an automobile factory to take a look at front-end assemblies, suspensions, major panels and components, and eight different types of frames.
- Body Alignment (Video Duration 17 minutes)This video explains how to use tire clues and other evidence to identify and then fix misalignments of unitized and conventional frames, including diamond, twist, sag, and sway damage.
- Structural Analysis and Damage Repair (Video Duration 17 minutes)Repair, replace, or total? This video gives an overview of how to analyze the extent of major automobile damage.
Modern Welding: Complete Coverage of the Welding Field in One Easy-to-use Volume! by
Call Number: Stoney Creek STACKS TS227 .W345 2013Publication Date: 2013Welding: Principles and Applications by
Call Number: Stoney Creek STACKS TS227 .J418 2012Publication Date: 2011
- Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) (Video Duration 23 minutes)This video guides students through the basics of gas metal arc welding, which is often used in automotive, structural, and production manufacturing.
- Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (Video Duration 11 minutes)This video provides an explanation of how Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, also known as “TIG,” or tungsten inert gas welding, differs from other types of particular the use of non-consumable electrodes.
- Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Video Duration 12 minutes)This video explains the differences between alternating current and direct current arc welding machines and shows how an electrical current melts electrodes to supply filler metal.
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (Video Duration 23 minutes)This video helps students learn the basics of the SMAW method, in which the electrode is consumable and becomes part of the weld.
Automotive Rust Repair and Prevention by
Call Number: Stoney Creek STACKS TL255 .P3595 2018Publication Date: 2018Automotive Technology: a Systems Approach by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS TL152 .E75 2016Publication Date: 2016Collision Repair and Refinishing by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS TL152 .T48 2018Publication Date: 2018The Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair by
Call Number: Stoney Creek STACKS TL255 .P37 2008Publication Date: 2008
- Dings and Scratches (Video Duration 19 minutes 34 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Miscellaneous Repairs (Video Duration 18 minutes 45 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Plastics and Adhesives (Video Duration 15 minutes 44 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Replacing and Adjusting Panels (Video Duration 21 minutes 30 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Surface Preparation and Refinishing (Video Duration 24 minutes 8 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
Automotive Technology : a Systems Approach by
Call Number: Stoney Creek STACKS TL152 .E75 2021Publication Date: 2021Fundamentals of Automotive Technology by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS TL152 .V345 2018Publication Date: 2018
- Braking System Repair (Video Duration 18 minutes 29 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Electrical Repair (Video Duration 20 minutes 43 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Heating and Air-Conditioning Diagnosis (Video Duration 23 minutes 20 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Heating and Air-Conditioning Operation (Video Duration 23 minutes 59 seconds)Source: Films on Demand
- Heating and Air-Conditioning Service (Video Duration 21 minutes 59 seconds)Source: Films on Demand