Actions for Faculty

Page 1+ has launched! You can now access it via the search box on the Library Website or by visiting the Page 1+ Homepage

You will need to:

  • Update links to Library material as needed
  • Update screenshots of the Library search box
  • Practice searching
  • Check out your Library account

Please use the following instructions to assist with these recommended actions.

Updating Links to Library Materials

Creating Resource Links for your Instruction Materials

After searching Page 1+, click on a book or article title that you want. 

You will see the item's record view, which has more information about the item and tools for citation, exporting, and creating permanent links.

Result in Primo VE result list showing options available such as Permalink, Citation, Pin and more


Pictured below is the full record view of the item. If you want to link to a resource in your instruction materials, just click on the Permalink and copy it to the clipboard. Use that link anywhere.

Primo VE result showing permalink

Important: The Permalink will bring the user to the record for the item but not to the actual full-text article or eBook. If you want your students to be able to access the item directly, follow these steps:

  1. Conduct a search in Page 1+ and locate an item
  2. From the results list, click the title to see the full record
  3. In the full record, click the VIEW ONLINE link from the left side of the record
  4. Under "Full Text Availability", click any link to link directly to the item. NOTE: If you have not yet signed in and you are not on-campus, you will be prompted to log in with your Mohawk ID.
  5. You will be linked directly to the item. From here, locate the Permalink. The process for locating the permalink is different for each type of database. Use the Linking to Library Resources in MyCanvas Guide to determine how to locate the permalink in the database in which your resource resides.

View Online link located at left side of detailed record and full text availability link

Replacing Old Links

IMPORTANT: If you currently link to books or other records in the Mohawk Library catalogue, those links will need to be changed to ensure students can access the resources. Old links are only expected to work through June 30.

Affected Links

Permanent links created in third-party databases like EBSCO's Academic Search Premier will not be affected by this change. Links to Research Guides are also unaffected. You will only need to update links derived from the previous catalogue and discovery search system. These links  will be identifiable by any URL starting with the following:

  • Links to books and videos from the Catalogue will begin with this URL:
  • Links from the Discovery system will have the letters “eds” in them:,cpid&custid=mohawk&db=aph&AN=156361670&site=eds-live&scope=site 

Comparing Old and New Links

The previous catalogue record and URL would look like this:


Pictured below is the full record view for a book in the old catalogue.

Evergreen catalogue record

Here's the URL and record view for the same book in the new system, with the Permalink revealed after clicking that tool: 


Pictured below is the full record view for the same book in the new Page 1+ platform. Also pictured is the "Permalink" location.

Primo VE record with Permalink revealed

Similarly, here is the previous Discover search URL:,cpid&custid=mohawk&db=nlebk&AN=2891043&site=eds-live&scope=site

Here is a screenshot of the record for an ebook in the old discovery platform.

Screenshot of an EDS record

Here is the URL and record view for the same item in the new system, with the Permalink revealed after clicking that tool.


Pictured below is the record for the same book in the new Page 1+ platform.

Record in Primo VE with permalink revealed

Check Screenshots of Library Catalogue & Library Search

Check your learning materials for screenshots of the library catalogue, search page and search results that may need to be replaced with the new Page 1+ versions. 

Practice Searching

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with searching in Page 1+ to get used to this new system. After launch: 

  • Practice conducting Basic and Advanced searches
  • Practice adding limiters, date, author, resource type, etc.
  • Practice running multiple searches for the same item using different search terms to see how the system responds

Here is a screenshot showing where to enter your search terms. Pictured is the search box at the top of the screen and the dropdown menu where you can select to search everything, just the Library catalogue or only articles. Beside the search box is the Advanced Search link, which, when clicked will open further search options.

Search results page showing search box, options and advanced search


Along the left side of the results list, find limiters and facets to further refine your search. Limit by resource type, availability, publication date and more!

Refine your results list that shows on the left side of the screen, highlighted is resource type

Check out your Library Account

You have your own Page 1+ account where you can save items and searches, manage your profile and perform other tasks. Try these activities: 

  • Sign in to your Library account using your Mohawk ID and password
  • Save an item to your account 
  • Save a search to your account 
  • Make a hold request for an item 

Look for the "Sign In" link in the top right of the screen.

Primo VE Sign in

Click the "Pin" button on a result to pin it to your favourites. Pictured below is a search result. In the top right are the permalink, citation and pin buttons. Click the three dots to reveal more options such as print and email.

Result in Primo VE result list showing options available such as Permalink, Citation, Pin and more.