About this Guide

Mohawk College Library is committed to working to increase our capacity to support our learning communities.

We recognize that libraries attempt to position themselves as “free, accessible, and neutral,” but this narrative of neutrality is false. Libraries recognize the controlled vocabulary of library classification systems is shaped within a settler-colonial, patriarchal, hetero-normative, ableist framework, and racist, Eurocentric ideology. Mohawk College Library is actively working to acknowledge, amend and/or update unacceptable language with contemporary descriptions. We commit ourselves to learning and making meaningful change.

This Guide was created to help everyone in the learning community at Mohawk College see what Indigenous Resources are available in the library. We have used the GoodMinds.com website to inform our labelling of these Indigenous resources. GoodMinds is a First Nations family-owned business that is passionate about Indigenous education.

Many resources in this Guide are physical books available in the library across our three locations - Fennell, IAHS and Stoney Creek. Other resources are digital and can be accessed by various links.

  < Look for the label:

The Mohawk College Library is home to many resources by Indigenous authors and on subjects focused on Indigenous communities, art, histories, and contemporary realities.

As such, we are currently using the Indigenous labels created by Mohawk student, Emma Doreen, to identify works by Indigenous authors within our stacks.

Liaison Librarian: Jenn Horwath

Guide Curation & Maintenance: Karen Wilson Davis 

Indigenous Student Services

Committed to Indigenous student success.

Phone: 905-575-1212 ext. 3428
or 519-759-7200 ext. 3428
Fax: 905-575-2236

Centre for Indigenous Relations, Knowledge & Learning (CIRKL)

Phone: 905-575-1212 ext. 4817

The Indigenous Gathering Place is located in the terraced courtyard between H-Wing and A-Wing.

To book the Hoop Dance:  iess@mohawkcollege.ca

Additional Resources

TRC Calls to Action