Creating Accessible Documents

Accessible documents create a more inclusive learning environment by making content usable by all students regardless of ability. Planning and structuring a document correctly during creation will ensure that it can be converted into a variety of alternate formats and retain accessible features.

Explore the following style and format tips for accessible document creation:

Document Types

It is important to note that a PDF created by another author cannot be made accessible and can only be checked for accessibility using a tool such as the Adobe Acrobat Pro Accessibility Checker

Other formats are often recommended over PDFs and more information can be read in this section of Understanding Document Accessibility: The Case Against PDFs.

Connect with Accessible Learning Services for assistance in making content accessible

Inclusive language respects and promotes all people using vocabulary that avoids exclusion, stereotyping, and discrimination. 

Explore the following inclusive language guidelines:

Connect with Mohawk's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion department for more support.

Document Accessibility Further Reading

Screen Reader Video Demonstrations

Sample Accessible Document