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Academic Integrity for Students: What is a Breach?

Breaches of Academic Integrity

illustration of two students writing an exam with one looking at the others paper

A Breach of Academic Integrity is an instance where one or more of the six values have been breached, broken, or violated. Maintaining integrity is active, it is something that we do. We choose to adhere to the values and we choose to express them. Breaches typically occur when lapses take place.

When this instance is related to academic work, like course work, practicum work, work-integrated learning, etc., then it’s a breach of academic integrity. We have a set of principles and policies which detail how to avoid this, and what happens if you do breach by not maintaining AI.  

Examples of Breaches

  • Taking credit for others’ work
  • Submitting files created by others without prior permission, excluding contract cheating (see below)
  • Failing to credit original sources of intellectual property
  • Copying part or whole sections without reference
  • Creating fake references or fabrication, e.g., lab results
  • Submitting multiple copies of same or nearly same work to the same or different courses without explicit written permission from a faculty member, e.g., self plagiarism
  • Completing an assignment in collaboration with others’ help without explicit permission
  • Completing independent work as a group
  • Intentionally sharing work with others
  • Helping others copy or plagiarize
  • Failing to adequately safeguard or protect own work
  • Unauthorized possession or use of materials in a testing environment, e.g., copying papers, notes, textbooks brought into testing environments
  • Using aids or devices, such as cell phones or earphones, in testing environments without explicit permission
  • Knowingly continuing to complete evaluations after time has expired
  • Possessing or using materials, resources, technologies, or other sources which are not permitted
  • Distributing or accessing intellectual property without permission, e.g., misuse or unauthorized distribution of or access to instructional materials, audio recordings, videos, notes, visuals, instructions, and other related content
  • Altering, sabotaging, or deleting learning materials such as destroying another’s work, removing or destroying course content
  • Uploading or distributing evaluation or assessment instructions or exemplars, course content, or other forms of College intellectual content without permission, e.g., via social media, homework help websites
  • Purchasing assignments
  • Submitting evaluation instructions to another person to complete on one’s behalf
  • Having someone else complete one’s assessment
  • Accessing or distributing prior tests or exams
  • Providing knowledge of evaluation materials to other students, such as for those writing at an alternative time or location
  • Distributing or posting evaluation instructions for other students
  • Creating, using or submitting fraudulent, false, or misleading documentation for any form of academic advantage, e.g., admissions requirements, credentials, medical documentation
  • Acts or omissions intended to gain advantages for academic activities, e.g., lying to professor to increase grade, falsifying dates of submission for assessments
  • Impersonating others or having others impersonate for any form of advantage in academic activities

Consequences of a Breach

When you consider breaching academic integrity, remember that there are consequences to these actions. Even actions that you consider minor can have major repercussions for your studies and cause significant harm. 

At minimum, if you are found completing tests or assignments using inappropriate methods you can expect to get zero on the assignment. Repeated breaches can lead to expulsion from the College.