
Author (First Name, Last Name), Title of Book, edition (as needed), volume number (as needed) (Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication) pinpoint (as needed). 

Examples of a Book Citation:
Howard A Levitt, The Law of Dismissal for Human Resources Professionals (Aurora: Canada Law Book: 2007)
Philip H. Osborne, The Law of Torts, 2d ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2003) at 44.

Journal Articles

Author(s), "Title of Article" (year) volume Journal or Review Name first-page number pinpoint (as needed) (Electronic Service) (if applicable).

Examples of Journal Citations:

Michael G Bridge, "Discharge for Breach of the Contract of Sale of Goods" (1985) 28:4 McGill LJ 867 at 913
David M. Tanovich, "Using the Charter to Stop Racial Profiling: The Development of an Equality-based Conception of Arbitrary Detention" (2002) 40 Osgoode Hall LJ 145 at 187 (QL) 


Traditional citation, online: name of website <url> (date accessed)

Example of Website Citation:

Bob Runciman & George Baker, An Urgent Need to Address Lengthy Court Delays in Canada  (Ottawa: Senate of Canada, 2017), online: Senate of Canada <> (2 October 2017) 

Government Documents

  • Federal Hansard: Title, Parliament and Session (date) pinpoint (Speaker) (as needed)
  • Provincial Hansard: Jurisdiction, Legislature, Title, number of Legislature and Session (date) pinpoint Speaker (as needed)

Example of a Federal Hansard Citation:
House of Commons Debates, 42nd Parl, 1st Sess (29 September 2017) at 209 (Hon. Mona Fortier).

Example of a Provincial Hansard Citation:
Ontario, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Official Report of Debates (Hansard), 41st Parl, 2nd Sess (28 September 2017)  at 5334 (Hon. Marie-France Lalonde)

Halsbury's Laws of Canada

Author, Title, edition Series title and volume # within series (place of publication: publisher, year of publication) pinpoint

Example of a Halbury's Citation:
Soma Ray-Ellis,  Employment Standards Legislation and Wrongful Dismissal,  Halbury's Laws of Canada vol 18 (Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2015) at HRP-18.