Overview of Healthcare in Canada & Ontario
- Population HealthFrom the Public Health Agency of Canada.
- Momentum of Code Red ContinuesJim Dunn a McMaster University professor in the Department of Health, Aging and Society, looks at community based solutions for the problems raised in the Code Red report.
- City of Hamilton Open Data - Health & SafetyOpen Hamilton enables our community the opportunity to better explore, visualize and download City data.
- City of Hamilton - Public Health ServicesLocal public health information.
- Ontario HealthOntario Health is a Crown agency of the Government of Ontario that oversees health care planning and delivery across the province.
- Government of Ontario - Health DatasetsThese datasets contain information regarding different health statistics including COVID-19, PTSD, Mental Health and more.
- Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareProvides information on government health and long-term care services in Ontario including government programs, publications, and more.