Books & eBooks
Becoming an Ally: Breaking the Cycle of Oppression in People by
Call Number: Fennell RESERVES HM1033 .B58 2015Publication Date: 2015Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Trans (But Were Afraid to Ask) by
Publication Date: 2018eBook
Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy, and Belonging Across Differences by
Publication Date: 2020eBookSupporting Success for LGBTQ+ Students: Tools for Inclusive Campus Practice by
Publication Date: 2020eBookSupporting Transgender and Non-Binary People with Disabilities or Illnesses by
Publication Date: 2019eBookTransgender Children and Youth by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HQ77.9 .N43 2017Publication Date: 2017Transgender Inclusion: All The Things You Want To Ask Your Transgender Coworker But Shouldn't by
Publication Date: 2024eBookWelcoming Practices: Creating Schools That Support Students and Families in Transition by
Publication Date: 2020eBook
- The 519 Glossary of TermsFacilitating shared understandings around equity, diversity, inclusion and awareness.
- Creating Authentic SpacesA Gender Identity and Gender Expression Toolkit to Support the Implementation of Institutional and Social Change.
- Pronoun Usage GuideInclusive pronoun usage is a step towards inclusion and cultivating a safer space for 2SLGBTQI people.
- Sharing Pronouns as an Inclusive Teaching PracticeStrategies to assist with creating an inclusive learning environment.