About This Guide
The guide was developed to empower students, faculty and staff at Mohawk College with increased understanding and skills to recognize and prevent sexual and gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking and revenge porn.
Mohawk College's policy on sexual assault and sexualized violence will help you understand how the college views and addresses sexualized violence. This policy applies to all members of the College Community who have experienced, been affected by, witnessed, been made aware of, or alleged to have committed an act of sexualized violence or sexual misconduct.
Proceed with care as learning about consent and sexual violence, while important, can also be difficult. We know that one in three Canadian women, and one in eight Canadian men, will experience sexual violence in their lifetime. Many of us have probably experienced or know someone who has been affected by sexual violence, which might make this content hard to consume.
Mohawk Support
Support Services Contacts: If you need to talk to someone, reach a counsellor by emailing Mohawk College at counselling@mohawkcollege.ca, or the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office at srro@mohawkcollege.ca during business hours; or calling SACHA 24/7 at (905) 525-4162
Community Supports
- TED Talks: Katie Hood: The Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Love (Video Duration 12 minutes)Katie Hood reveals the five signs you might be in an unhealthy relationship.
- TEDTalks: Justin Baldoni: Why I’m Done Trying To Be ‘Man Enough’ (Video Duration 18 minutes)Justin Baldoni wants to start a dialogue with men about redefining masculinity.
- Dating These Days - Masculinity in 2020 (Video Duration 3 minutes)"Men don't cry" right? Wrong. We dig into what modern masculinity means in the year 2020 with single people and their loved ones.
- Canadian Points of View Reference Source
Point-counterpoint research database. Covers controversial and hot-topic issues from a Canadian perspective. Includes an overview essay of the topic, a point (argument) essay, a counterpoint (opposing argument) essay, and a guide to critical analysis.
- Academic Search Premier
Multidisciplinary research database. Covers the subjects of biology, chemistry, engineering, physics and psychology. Includes peer-reviewed, full-text articles and videos from the Associated Press.
- Canadian Reference Centre
Multidisciplinary Canadian research database. Includes full-text articles from leading Canadian and international magazines and newspapers and thousands of images from the Canadian Press.
Bibliographic health database. Covers life sciences, with a focus on biomedical information. Includes citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers.
- PubMed
Health database containing over 23 million citations for bio medical literature from MEDLINE, life sciences journals and eBooks.