Search Tips
- EBSCOhost Databases
Search all 30 EBSCOhost databases at once or choose the databases you want to search. Create a MyEBSCO account to save your research, download eBooks or create a Project list.
- Canadian Points of View Reference Source
Point-counterpoint research database. Covers controversial and hot-topic issues from a Canadian perspective. Includes an overview essay of the topic, a point (argument) essay, a counterpoint (opposing argument) essay, and a guide to critical analysis.
- ProQuest Databases
Search selected Proquest databases. Subject coverage varies according to the database.
- Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Multidisciplinary encyclopedia database. Contains over 25,000 information segments, images and biographies, searchable by subject or keyword.
- Canada Commons
Multidisciplinary Canadian research database. Covers a wide range of studies including history, sociology, anthropology, business and economics. Includes rare and hard-to-find content and government documents in full-text.
When you start a research project, one of the first things you should do is develop a research strategy. A big part of your research strategy will be choosing your topic and narrowing the scope of what you want to learn. You can do this by determining:
- What you know
- What you don't know
- The best resources to fill in your knowledge gaps
Google is a powerful search tool, which is often underutilized.
Here's a quick list of various filtering and advanced search features available to you.
- Filter results by type: images, video, news, etc.
- Narrow down results by country, and publication date
- Use "quotation marks" to search for an exact phrase
- Boolean operator OR helps when searching for synonyms
- A dash right before a -term, will exclude it from results
- filetype: will search for specific files (e.g. pdf)
- site: will find info published on a specific site, or domain (e.g. .edu)
- Google Advanced Search is a guided search interface, which will help you search all of the above from one place
- The Learning Portal - Search the WebFrom the Ontario Colleges' Learning Portal, a variety of sources to help you search Google more effectively to find higher quality resources.
How to Evaluate Quality
- Explainer: What is peer review?From The Conversation, a more detailed description of the peer review process.
- The Learning Portal - Evaluate Your ResourcesTips to help you determine whether or not you should use a particular source for your research assignment.