Academic Integrity - Info Session
Join the Academic Integrity Professor and learn about the importance of Academic Integrity including:
- What Academic Integrity is
- Why Academic Integrity is important
- What are Breaches of Academic Integrity
- How to practice Academic Integrity
When: January 22 from 12-1
Where: Fennell Campus Room A121
About This Guide
Mohawk College employees play an important role in protecting academic integrity.
This guide is intended to provide employees with strategies to detect, prevent and reduce breaches of academic integrity.
Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity
- HonestyStudents and faculty need to be honest with themselves and with each other. As they learn, they need to constantly be honest about their learning and their mistakes in learning.
- TrustWhen the faculty states clear objectives for lessons and clear guidelines for the assignment, and when the students produce “honest, thoughtful, and genuine” academic work, trust is promoted.
- RespectBeing respectful of other people’s opinions as well as our own opinion is an integral component of academic integrity. Respect leads to diversification of ideas where there is a possibility for the best ideas to emerge and grow.
- FairnessFairness includes “predictability, transparency, and clear, reasonable expectations” Students need to think about being fair in their academic endeavors and Faculty need to treat students and each other fairly.
- ResponsibilityBeing responsible means standing up against wrongdoing, resisting negative peer pressure, and serving as a positive example. Responsible individuals hold themselves accountable for their own actions.
- CourageCourage often is interpreted as a lack of fear. In reality, courage is defined as “the capacity to act in accordance with one’s values despite fear”. Being courageous means acting in accordance with one’s convictions.