Marketing Database
- CARDonline
Provides advertising rates, circulation or audience data, media planning info and related information for every significant medium in Canada. Includes rates for magazines, newspapers, radio and television stations.
Business Administration - Marketing
The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell by
Publication Date: 2018eBook
Creative Strategy in Advertising by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5825 .D74 2014Publication Date: 2014
Amazon: How the World’s Most Relentless Retailer will Continue to Revolutionize Commerce by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS HF5548.32 .B457 2019Publication Date: 2019Sell with Authority: Own and Monetize Your Agency's Authority Position by
Publication Date: 2020eBook
The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell by
Publication Date: 2018eBookThe Fundamentals of Graphic Design by
Call Number: Fennell STACKS NC997 .A43 2020Publication Date: 2019
Market Research
- OutlooksConsumer Market, Technology Market, Industry, Digital Market, Health Market, Country, Mobility, and Advertising and Media Outlooks from Statista.
- Conference Board of CanadaMany reports and analyses available for free but registration is required.
- RBC Economic ResearchForecasts, analyses and special reports on various aspects of the Canadian economy.
- TD EconomicsA variety of up-to-date reports from TD Bank on aspects of the Canadian economy, economic trends and outlook.
- Report on Business: Industry News - MarketingSource: Globe and Mail
- TrendhunterTrend Hunter is the world's largest, most popular collection of cutting edge ideas, fueled by 208,000 people, big data & Trend Hunter AI.
- 2021 CensusThis site presents information from the 2021 Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census tracts.
- 2021 Census DataExplore Census information in table format or interactively with Data Visualizations.
- Business, Consumer and Property ServicesThese tables provide data on business services (includes advertising agencies and accountants) and consumer services (includes hotels, beauty salons, restaurants, and funeral homes).
- Culture and LeisureThese tables provide data on creative artistic activities such as film & video, leisure activities, sports, and TV.
- Retail and WholesaleThese tables provide data on sales volume of a variety of retailers including large chain stores, car dealerships, small independent stores as well as catalogue and Internet retailers.
- Survey of Household SpendingSource: Statistics Canada
- Advances in Consumer ResearchPresents a selection of papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, chosen by the editors. Coverage: 1974 - present
- Advertising AgeArticles on national and international marketing, news about individuals in advertising, statistics on advertising and special reports. Coverage: 1990 - present
- AdWeekPublishes articles, news, and product information about the advertising and marketing industry. Coverage: 1993 - present
- B to BCoverage: 2000 - present
Presents business marketing news, strategy & tactics; emphasizes techniques & methods of advertising & selling products & services to business & industry. - International Journal of AdvertisingProvides a forum for the discussion of important issues & for the interchange of ideas on all aspects of advertising & marketing communications. Both academic & practitioner perspectives are represented. Coverage: 1982 - present
- Journal of AdvertisingProvides a public forum that reflects the current understanding of advertising as a process of communication, its role in the changing environment, and the relationships between these and other components of the advertising business and practice. Coverage: 1972 - present
- Journal of Consumer BehaviourThe latest original analysis of key developments in understanding consumer attitudes and behaviours from the industry and academia. Coverage: 2001 - present
- Retail MerchandiserCoverage: 1993 - present
Provides information for merchandiser executives and managers on category trends, the latest merchandising approaches, and technology updates. - StrategyStrategy is a Canadian business magazine about marketing, advertising and media. Coverage: 1990 - present
- Advertising Foundations (Video Duration 1 hour 16 minutes)Learn the fundamentals of effective advertising and marketing communications.
- Social Media Marketing Foundations (Video Duration 52 minutes)Instructor Brian Honigman explains why making an investment in social media can benefit your business.
- Neuromarketing: The New Science of Consumer Decisions (Video Duration 17 minutes)With his extensive knowledge and experience in both Neuroscience and marketing, Dr. Wu helps businesses grow revenues rapidly.