Library Computers
Each campus library has computers for students use:
- Cummings Library: 36 computers
- Collaboratory: 33 computers
- IAHS Library: 18 computers
- Stoney Creek Library: 21 computers
- Mohawk College PrintingThis link contains information on how to print at each campus Library.
Using Respondus/ Lockdown Browser on Library PCs
Respondus/Lockdown browser is on all library computers, you do not have to download it. Please note that Library computers do not have a webcam and can not be used for Quizzes requiring Webcam.
- Before starting quiz, close all programs on PC
- Using the Windows desktop search bar (bottom-left) type in "lockdown"
- then , select LockDown Browser 2 Lab

- Select MyCanvas from the pop-up prompt
- You may be prompted to close a blocked program. You can do this by choosing Close Process from the popup window. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting.
- The Mohawk Sign in page will pop-up, sign in again
- Navigate to the quiz within the course and select Begin
Additional resources on Respondus/Lockdown browser
- Digital Skills Team HelpFor students needing help with how to use Respondus/downloading Respondus/Lockdown browser on their laptop. Includes hours, locations and links to virtual and in-person support.
- Respondus GuideCovers main issues
- How do I download Respondus?Instructions on how to download Respondus onto a PC or laptop.
Includes information on downloading Respondus on other devices.
Library Computer Policy
Cummings Library & Collaboratory, IAHS & Stoney Creek Libraries
- Computers and digital screens are for academic use only
- During peak times, if you are using a computer for non-academic purposes, you may be asked to log off for students in need of a computer
- You cannot have someone save a computer for you
- If you leave a computer unattended for 20 minutes, staff may log you out to allow other students to use it

Accessible PCs & Software
The following software is available on student PCs at all Library locations:
- JAWS: Accessed via the directory
- Read&Write: Accessed via the directory
- Kurzweil: Accessed via MohawkApps
- ZoomIt: Accessed via MohawkApps
To learn more about adaptive technology and the services available at Mohawk College, visit the Accessible Learning website.
Contact Us
Cummings Library 905-575-2077
IAHS Library 905-575-1212 x6835
Stoney Creek Library 905-575-2504
Text Us 289-277-0114