Mohawk Library is committed to providing equal access to all of our services and collections. Contact the Library if you experience an accessibility barrier while using the Library or have a suggestion on how we can make the Library more accessible for you.
Accessible Resources
- EBSCOhost: EBSCOhost databases can be navigated with a keyboard and a text-to-speech reader application appears on all magazine/journal article displays. Accessibility Information for EBSCO Interfaces
- ProQuest: Much of the content within ProQuest is available in PDF format. Links will open in a new window on your computer to view documents in PDF format. Some PDFs have been created from scanned text and are therefore accessible to screen readers. Accessibility Information for Proquest Interfaces
The majority of our eBook databases meet or exceed Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and content can be read using screen reading software such as JAWS and NVDA.
- Ebook Central is designed for patrons with accessibility needs, particularly the blind and visually impaired. Accessibility Mode is supported on laptops and desktops (not tablets and phones). View the Ebook Central Accessibility Guide for full documentation.
- EBSCOhost eBooks are delivered on the EBSCOhost and EDS platforms, which are Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 Level A compliant, and for which VPATs are available. EBSCO eBooks also follow ARIA best practices and the recommendations of the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative to make content accessible to all users. View the EBSCO eBook Accessibility User Guide for full documentation.
The following online video resources have closed captioning options and in some cases, full transcripts:
Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE)
The Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE) is a service from Scholars Portal that supports users with print disabilities at universities and colleges by providing access to books in accessible formats.
Only current Mohawk students and faculty who have a verified perceptual disability can request access to ACE. Users can browse or search the Library's collection of accessible material by logging into ACE with an assigned User or Admin Token which can be obtained by contacting the Accessible Learning Services department.
LEAP Project
The Library eResources Accessibility Portal (LEAP) is an assessment tool that allows library staff at participating colleges and universities to evaluate the accessibility of library eResources.
Library staff can review these assessments to help make acquisition decisions, support their users, and advocate for accessible eResources.
Mohawk College Library participates in the LEAP Project annually, completing accessibility assessments and adding them to the assessment repository, which is publicly viewable on the LEAP Assessments page.
LEAP is directed by College Libraries Ontario, with work falling under the purview of the LEAP Steering Committee. You can find out more about the history of LEAP on the LEAP OCLS service page.
Accessible Workstations & Software
The following software is available on student PCs at all Library locations:
- JAWS: Accessed via the directory
- Read&Write: Accessed via the directory
- Kurzweil: Accessed via MohawkApps
- ZoomIt: Accessed via MohawkApps
To learn more about adaptive technology and the services available at Mohawk College, visit the Accessible Learning website.
Contact Us
Cummings Library 905-575-2077
IAHS Library 905-575-1212 x6835
Stoney Creek Library 905-575-2504
Text Us 289-277-0114